WEON preconference organised by the VVE focusgroup causality

So not only will Neil Pearce and Sander Greenland be talking at the WEON, they will also be speakers at a preconference workshop with the title”New developments in causal epidemiological research”. This preconference wil be held on June 5th from  13.30-16.30 at the beautifull Julius Academy, Pand Zeist, Broederweg 43 in Zeist. This is great, for this is the second official meeting organised by the focusgroup! Please jion in on the discussion and work on causal inference research in the Netherlands.

New developments in causal epidemiological research


  • Professor Neil Pearce, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Professor Sander Greenland, UCLA School of Public Health
  • Professor Jan Vandenbroucke, Leiden University Medical Center


This preconference meeting on Causality is aimed at those epidemiologists who are eager to keep up-to-date with new methodological developments and views on causal models in epidemiology. Professor Greenland will discuss modern ways to deal with confounding, including the use of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), a graphical way to exploit whether selection bias or confounding hampers causal inference. Professor Pearce will consider the distinction between the analysis of variation and the analysis of causes and professor Vandenbroucke will discuss the role of counterfactual theory as causal theory in epidemiology.

All talks will be followed by in dept discussion,

Registrattion costs are 10 euro for  VVE members and 25 euro for non-members (WEON attendance is compulsory). After the workshop there will be room for an informal meeting with everybody attending. Registration via (www.weon.nl) .